Verify Identity
Reuse Identity
The financial identity that moves and grows with you.
Get a Portabl ID
Dive in deeper to understand ID verification & security with Portabl.
We're building the future of identity.
Risk Signals
Tap into additional forms of assurance and trust that your users are who they say they are from one end of the lifecycle to the other.
ID Risk
Does this person match the document? Is there a potential age mismatch? Is the document tampered? Is this a high risk jurisdiction?
Document Risk
Is this document real? Have areas been edited? Is it close to its expiration? Has the document been seen elsewhere?
Session Risk
Is this document or person associated with a different device or wallet? Is this a velocity risk?
Match Confidence
Get confidence scores on whether submitted information matches between linked sources
Data Provenance & Tenancy
Is this a reputable attribute? Has it been successfully verified before? How long has this attribute been in good standing?
Device Risk
Check for emulation, porting, device history, sim swaps, and more
Satisfy your regulatory requirements and screen your users against a global set of Politically Exposed Persons (PEP), sanctions lists including OFAC, UN, HMT, EU, DFAT, and other global watchlists.
How it works
Credentials paired with risk context - We pair up verifiable claims and documents wtih their risk signals covering attribute reputation, behavior, documents, devices, and more.
Composable risk signals - Different risk signals are attached to different verification methods and can be layered together to meet your risk needs.