Products — Portabl Verify

Verified IDs for 250 million IDs in the US and Canada plus doc verification for 190 countries and counting.

Tap into our doc and non-doc based verification methods and over 300 risk signals, all wrapped in secure, 2-touch experiences. Boost your conversions rates and shrink fraud across the customer lifecycle.

The Problem

Onboarding is still high friction and high loss — over 60% of consumers have abandoned an onboarding event in the past 2 years. Why? Because we have to KYC users from scratch every time, a dangerous proposition when ID information is easily forged, stolen, and passed off as authentic. As embedded finance scales, businesses never before required to verify users will need the tools to verify and authenticate ID without the traditional headaches and with greater fraud protection at the speed we expect from payments.

The Solution

We simplify how to certify and verify 'authentic' identities and make sure it is easier for them to be re-verified anywhere in the Portabl network — reducing even complex verification times to as little as 8 seconds.

Our end-to-end approach to on-demand verification combines a library of verification methods with biometrics plus behavioral, device, and network risk analytics. One integration with a flexible scope ranging from KYC to proof of age or residence.** **Why put users through workflows when you can make KYC feel like SSO or an e-commerce checkout.

Identity Authenticity & Increased trust

Advanced cryptography and digital signatures help dedupe individuals, secure sessions, and watermark PII to protect data from theft and unauthorized use. By binding verified data to devices, users, and secure signatures, it becomes simpler than ever to spot trusted users and block bad actors.

Detect fraud and abuse with passive risk signals and scoring

300+ risk signals covering document tampering, behavioral signals, browser and device, address and location, network risk, duplicates, mismatches, synthetics, and more give you deep insight about the accuracy and risk every identity brings to your doorstep.

Ongoing monitoring...of everything

Verification does not happen in a vacuum. We populate a unified feed of changes between devices, data, biometrics and risk signals plus relevant external screening to monitor for duplicate accounts, takeovers, and impersonation attacks plus external risk from account opening to account close and across the network.

2-touch reverification of known identities in the network

We make identities portable by building on trusted global standards— verifiable credentials and decentralized identifiers (not a blockchain…). These formats turn complex data and risk information into reusable representations without a loss of signal. All it takes is one API call to discover an identity and request data you would have spent minutes collecting otherwise.

Proof of anything

Many verification use cases don't need full-blown KYC. Downscope your verification and simplify collecting qualifying attributes like proof of age or residence based on specific sources without over-collecting sensitive data. Launch single-attribute verifications in minutes for first time users and anywhere in the user lifecycle.

How it works


Set up a data profile - This determines the data you'll collect - specific sources, tenure, and other business rules. The output is a single user experience regardless of the level of complexity.


Deploy verification into your environment - Use our hosted flow, SDK's, widgets or APIs.

Pink Tick Icon

Evaluate risk & convert good users - Your verification profile will power an automated flow for user verification and exception handling. The users table will give you a live feed of open sessions, failures, and converted users.

Get to decisioning 90% faster with portable, authentic identities.